Doopdoopbot Commands

Commands that are struck out have not yet been implemented in the current Doopdoopbot build.

Last updated: 2020/04/30

Informational commands
Link to DopeNess Bingo
!discordLink to the Discord
!followdate [user]
!followage [user]
When you or [user] followed
!gameCurrent game
Brings you to this page :P
Last songs played
!quote [number]
Get a random quote
Get a specific quote
!quotesList all the quotes
Link to the comic
!specsDope's PC specs
Name of song now playing
!statsMildly interesting stream stats
!timeCurrent time
!titleStream title
!uptimeShow the uptime
Miscellaenous commands
Link to Space Navigator page
!ban [thing]Bans the thing
!beatsaverLink to BeatSaver
!catmafiaCoolCat party
!distracted [times]Distraction counter
!doopTickle Doopdoopbot
!lurkLurk mode, engage
!saveIssue this command if Dope hasn't saved a file and is about to Unwrella something
!ruined [times]RUINED IT
!throw [thing]
!flip [thing]
Throws/flips [thing]
User commands
!angryduckyMister AngryDucky
!beerisyumBeer is yum
!cartoonwolfHe's always drawing
!catboySomewhere in Unity-land
!ccrusherA blue cat asking all the hard questions
This is Tim_NZ's life
!melissaResident BMW-enthusiast server-room goth
!mrunchosenXKCD encyclopedia and/or anime fan
!nooyBecause Tim screwed up the joke
roarDoop roars back to Zelaria
!shadowdragonProbably making models
!tim_nzTim of the year
!thp777Breathing in solder fumes
Magic responses
AAAAAAHHHHHDoop screams with you
Bye!Doop says bye
catbokDoop corrects you for misspelling Catboy
Doop helpfully converts temperatures for you
lolDoop thinks you're funny, sometimes
o/Doop waves back
yoDoop hanging with the cool kids
"Spam" commands (500 points)
Claim the "Spam" channel points reward to use these commands
!8ballConsult the Magic 8 Ball
Brains! or Brians!
!burgerMakes a burger
!carFinds you a nice* used car
!chanceRoll a 1d100
Toroidal dessert generator
!fortuneEat a fortune cookie but not the fortune
!icecreamGives you ice cream
!pcBuild a PC
!pizzaBakes a pizza
!rateGives you a rating
!tacoMakes a taco
!wiki [search term]Consults the encyclopedia of unreliable information
!zfight [player 1] vs [player 2]
!zfighting [player 1] vs [player 2]
"Yell" commands (1000 points)
Claim the "Yell" channel points reward to use these commands
Moo! (and baby cow and longer moooos)
Fun noises
Moderator commands
These commands can only be executed by moderators
!addbingo [phrase]Adds entry to Bingo board
!delbingo [number]Deletes entry from Bingo board, look up the number here
!addquote [phrase]Adds entry to quotes list
!delquote [number]Deletes entry from quotes list, look up the number here
!shoutout [username]
!so [username]
Shoutout to incoming raid
!quiet [minutes]Mutes Doop for x minutes (default 5 if not specified)
!unquietUnmutes Doop